Holiday Knitting Mode

Last night my husband asked me if I'm looking forward to Christmas just because then I'll be done knitting for so many other people. My answer? Yes. 100%. Although making hand-made gifts for friends and family is one of the main reason I started knitting, there just never seems to be enough time to get it all done (there is this pesky thing I call work - oh, and the fact that I like to hibernate in the winter). Time lines are not always my friend.

So far... I'm on track to do okay. I'm definitely on the final countdown though. I ended up giving my son's teacher a pair of fingerless mittens that I originally made for myself (those chevron beasts that I worked so hard on) because they are just a bit too dainty for my hands. So, that helped in terms of time management. I made 2 pair of a different Chevron fingerless mitt pattern (below) for my brother-in-laws girlfriend (birthday) and my sister in Seattle - and I have several "in progress" progress with roughly a week to go.

Needless to say, I'm knitting in the office when I can.

Here are my completed gifts so far:

Chevron Mitts - I love these and want to make a pair for myself .... after Christmas (2 pair done and delivered!)
 This is my mom and her Captivating (belated) Birthday Cowl. I didn't want to give her a  cowl in August....Cables are not my favorite, but the final project is pretty nice.
 Since I'm behind, I whipped these cute tree ornaments up last night for my nephews in Seattle. Maybe next year I can make them hats or mittens. I guess I have to start earlier next year. More to come!


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