New Year, New Goals

Since January is nearly done, it's time to reflect on what I hope to accomplish this year (right?). Every year I have the same resolutions, which should tell you something about me. This year, I'm simplifying.

Knit with yarn I have. I am not allowed to buy any more yarn until I get through at least a good portion of my stash. It's a large stash. I have three projects in the works now, and a few quickies I hope to breeze through this weekend. I love yarn. I love the possibilities. Sometimes my excitement gets ahead of my time and talent availabilities.

(This also means that I need to use up yarn that I don't like. So I've returned to a project that was one of the first "kits" I bought after graduating from swatching. It involves a not beautiful burgundy-colored "homespun" yarn and a shrug that seems like a bad idea now. But it will be finished - and possibly donated. Or maybe it will be fabulous. That's the great thing about projects. I can keep it if I love it. And if I don't.....)

I have this "goal" weight that I've had forever. I'm not actually that far from it at the moment. Instead of putting a number down and trying  to reach it, I'm trying to make changes. Cook more and healthier. Drink more water. Give up Venti non-fat no-water chai tea lattes (oh the horror) and diet coke (very old addiction). And exercise. This year I plan to be able to (or at least attempt to) run a 5K by the end of the summer. Frightening. I've never been a runner even though I was once athletic.

And writing. I'd like to do it more often. Maybe finish something that I can edit for the rest of my life. And blogging counts. A little.

So there are my goals. And here are my recent projects:

"For Fun" Katniss cowl - finished and worn for Halloween. Recently washed and blocked - and I added some buttons. I may wear it out again. Heavily modified (read: I screwed it up but I'm happy enough with it) Katniss inspired Cowl by Dahlia in Bloom

Here's another little cowl I made. I loved it till I added the buttons and it seems off. I think I put the buttons on the wrong side. However... it's soft and warm, so I'll wear it.
Pattern: The Fisherman's Wife (Knit Version) by Kalurah Hudson  
And, finally, my warm "I live in Wisconsin" hat. Which I love. Kid 2 has one as well since my first attempt came out a little too small for my adult head. It fit a nearly 4-year-old just fine. This is also my first attempt at making pom poms, which I don't love (yet?). Maybe it gets better?  Kid 2 pulled his pom pom out - which angered me on so many levels. He does not get another hat for a while.
Pattern is The Vermonter by Abi Gregorio
(I never really photograph well. I think I'm going to make it a thing to look awkward in photos.)


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