Feeling All the Socks All the Time

It's been so busy.... I don't even think I can properly explain it.

I have been knitting but I don't have a lot to show for it. I finished a blanket for my brother-in-law and new sister-in-law for their wedding, but I forgot to take a picture. I tried to make her a shawl, but it was a major fail.

I'm trying to get a few things off my needles. There are a lot of things on a lot of different needles right now. Also, I have 3 babies to knit for. One will get more than the rest because he will be my new nephew, but  I'm hoping to give knit them all a little something. I don't think I've ever really knit successfully for a baby before, so we will see how this goes.

Rose City Roller socks with yarn I bought in New Orleans....

Smooth Operator socks I made for my mom for Mother's Day....(they are prettier than they look in this terrible photo)

And a campfire blanket shawl... which I love.

Things I'm hoping to finish in the next few months include my Pop Life Cardigan from Wool and the Gang.... I'm really hoping I like the finished project, because I don't like it much right now.... the Zadie Sweater and the Starting Point Shawl by Joji Locatelli (which I did start as a mystery knit-along but had to stop for wedding knitting) - AND some baby knitting. Then, I feel like I'll be able to breathe and knit "for fun".

Oh, and I'm trying to knit up a few pairs of socks for a Game of Thrones KAL. Why do I do these things to myself?

I'll try to be more regular in my blogging.


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