On to December!

Here I am. I finished a sweater. It's a pretty homemade looking thing, but I'll wear it because I made it, and because it's warm. It has a few details that I'll probably never do again, like a sideways cable yoke. Yeah, definitely not my thing. I still need to improve my seaming, but each sweater is better than the one before it, I guess.

Getting ready for the holidays and right now I'm working on knitted things for me. A few gifts here and there, but not the pressure of last year. I already have the teacher gifts done, so that helps a lot!

Finished the finicky hat a a pair of fingerless mitts for my sister in Seattle. Not sure lace will ever really be my thing.... Both of these gave me some trouble, but they are done and getting wrapped for shipping shortly. (I learned that I'm pretty sure I just don't like knitting with black yarn!)

On to December knitting.... On the needles now, a blanket scarf for me (yay!).


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