Sitting and Knitting

It's been a nice little April so far. In Wisconsin, we've had what can only be described as bi-polar weather and it has been making us all sick - literally! One day last weekend, it went from sunny and nice to like a snow tornado and then to a gentle rain during the course of 45 minutes. And it did this kind of thing all day long. I actually experienced three different seasons while taking my dog for a walk (remember Penelope? She is still adorable!).

And, I'm finally really making some headway on my first top down sweater. It's gray, and I'm out of things to say about the color gray. I need to stay away from it for a while after this sweater. However, I think learning continental knitting has helped this sweater knit up much faster than it would have if I had been knitting it English-style. I still love English-style knitting (it just seems more pure to me or something), but, I'll admit that continental knitting seems faster and my tension is better. So, I "throw" with small things and "pick" with the bigger things. At least for right now.

I'm on my third ball of yarn, which is rather exciting. I have about 10 more inches (or less) of body to complete then the arms. I might finish it in the next two weeks if I keep knitting as often as I have been - but, there is a bathroom I said I would work on painting this weekend, so we'll see... Maybe I'll post some pictures of that, for fun.


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