The Upside of a Migraine

So, I'm feeling better and realized that the migraine and TMJ tension that I had last week was not, actually, going to kill me. So, I spent some money on yarn and the Scrivener writing software and I've decided to go for it. It being life, I guess.

The thing is, when you are in pain and living with your emotions so close to the surface, you start to realize things. Words and plans start to mean more. I'm not trying to be so dramatic. But, it's true.

You only get to do this life thing one time, and if you're not happy, you need to change. I know what I need to do to change. It's hard, and it's been put off, but when I really stop and listen to my insides, I realize that I need to get back to myself. Back to writing.

knitting has been the most unexpected and wonderful diversion that I will continue for the rest of my life! I will still post about knitting and cool things I bake, and maybe - just maybe - I'll also start writing about my writing journey as well. It's just time for the Novel part of my blog name to get a little more front and center.

"You only get one life, and it's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible."


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