Still here... still knitting

Although it seemed for a while that I wasn't. Even though I was. I'm here. I'm knitting. This is the first summer where I feel like I've just taken on too much. I am the working mom who is barely coping - and I look like I'm barely coping. I'm so tired. No one is looking at me thinking "I don't know how she does it all!" If anything, they are whispering behind my back saying I should lay off the gin and tonics. We all have to cope somehow.

So I was knitting, but in total disarray. My crazy-side took over and I suddenly had about 12 projects started and nothing finished.

When this happens, I tend to go for what I like to call a small win. A smaller scale project where I can start and finish something in a few days or a week. This is good for me. A beginning with an end in sight. I had two small wins this week, and now I feel I can go back to the huge blanket that I must finish sooner rather than later.

My first win.... I call this "My Something Grey" - and it is the coquette cowl pattern. It was blissfully easy and I liked the 3-needle bind off. I technically did a provisional cast-on, but it was so easy - like the cheater version of a provisional cast-on. Either way, it's lovely. A win for sure.

And my second win comes with an awful picture. I think I need a better camera than my phone, and probably a better eye for photography than my own. Regardless, here is my "Lovely" Lima hat by Stefanie Japel. It is the softest hat I will ever own. I think it's my new favorite. I didn't use great needles for it.... heavy square things... but I got through it. It will be hard to get this thing off my head when the weather turns.

So. Win-win.


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