Thank God for "Purls"

I have the Weezer song Thank God for Girls stuck in my head. It happens. So I went "punny" this morning. Can you tell I'm feeling a bit better?

I finished the [insert my restrained curse word here] socks that I've been working on for more than 2 months last night while watching recorded episodes of Agent Carter. I grafted (and I use that term very loosely because I'm not sure you can call what I did to the toes of these socks grafting) last night and weaved in my ends and cleaned up the sloppy spots. It's the most I'm willing to do. Of course, I wish these had been perfect, but alas, they are my second pair of socks and I did what I could. The next pair may or may not be better. For now, I am doing a fun long cowl which I hope to finish before this winter ends. It currently has two mistakes, so I'm thinking doing a quick tear out and giving it another go....It's an easy enough pattern, so I think I should.

I tend to sweat the small stuff.

Anyway, here for show and tell: The Smocked Guernsey Socks by Lucy Neatby as part of the 2016 Craftsy knit along.... I'm about a month behind on the next two pairs of socks. (And my husband wants me to make a rectangle for him to rest his phone on at work - what a spoiled iphone!)


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