Painting the roses red....
No reasoning behind my title today except that Valentine's Day is coming up and I can't get the song "painting the roses red" from Alice in Wonderland out of my head. I've been in a knitting rut. I'm starting to think that mittens and fingerless gloves are just not meant for me to knit. I really want a pair of warm woolen mittens. I'm on attempt #7 for the left mitten. After that, I need to make a second one. And it isn't going well. It probably doesn't help that I choose a somewhat difficult pattern for a first go... but they look really warm. I'm not giving up. I will post a pair of mittens and fingerless gloves yet. I finished a triangle scarf over the weekend that took much too long to complete. It was all in garter stitch and bored me, which resulted in an unsaved dropped stitch and slightly mismatched lengths. This is an example of my need to complete something over powering my need for it to be done well. It's done. Check ma...