Holy Shit. I seem to have knit a sweater!
It's true. I seem to have finished my first garment. I started it, oh, I can't even remember when... I should have recorded the date, but I didn't. I know that I was at least working on it in April of 2014, and it is September 2014 now. And, I did it. I finished. Yes, it has a few mistakes and a couple areas of questionable stitch integrity, but it's complete! I mean, your first sweater isn't supposed to be perfect - right? Otherwise it wouldn't be your first sweater. Kind of like first loves - they call them "firsts" for a reason. You learn and make better decisions the next time around. This is the Lion Brand "my first sweater" pattern and I utilized the online class by Amy Ross. The class was OK. It was good to have visuals, but I've taken better online classes. But, cheers to Amy. She got me through this and she just seems so very sweet. I did enjoy knitting with her, even if some of the directions weren't totally clear, whi...