
Showing posts from August, 2014

Looking for a friend to knit with - or - a bit more about me

If you would have known me as a child, or even ten years ago, you'd be surprised by the person I am now. Even I'm surprised by how different I am than how I used to be. And then I realize that I'm not all that different. I have always been a person who is happiest when I am creating. I just fell into creating with yarn and needles later in life.  I used to create with my body - not doing anything racy, just as a figure skater. Choosing music to skate to, giving insight into designing my costumes and choreographing moves for myself and my friends - and eventually as a coach. I haven't been on the ice for years now. I "hung my skates" up 9 or 10 years ago. Do I miss it? Yes and no. I know I can't go back. My 35-year-old body won't do what my 12-to-24-year-old body was once capable of and I'm too competitive to coach anymore. All my former students are grown up now. Getting married, becoming citizens. I just don't see myself going back there. ...